Pleased to meet yOU

I’m a Freelance content strategist, content designer, and UX writer...

with 15 years of experience developing digital products and services for brands like AARP, Delta Air Lines, USPS, Mailchimp, and Panera Bread

While I’m honored to be entrusted with such big brands, I’m even more proud of the impact my work has had in people’s lives…

  • Alleviating Patients' Financial Stress: I flipped the script for Providence Health Systems’ call center, turning a high-pressure collections call that agents hated making and patients feared taking into a supportive touchpoint preparing patients for their care

  • Motivating Older Americans for Behavior Change: I led the content team creating brand voice, ux copy, and strategic comms for AARP Rewards, a program using behavioral economics to inspire GenXers to get healthy, get saving, and get ready to get older

  • Transforming Member Experiences: I owned IA, content design, and experience strategy workstreams on a multi-disciplinary effort to move to a modern, atomic digital design system

  • Buoying Small Businesses During the Pandemic: Organized and indexed Mailchimp’s fragmented small business resources in a search-optimized content hub

  • Speeding Travelers to the Gate: I led content and experience design on an effort to streamline Delta’s in-airport kiosk experience and paper boarding pass that accelerated the check-in process by 15% for billions of harried flyers around the world

As a practitioner, my broad consulting and agency experience makes me adept at any altitude. I’ll cut through a cloud of ambiguity to shape high-level content strategy–messaging frameworks, experience principles, content models, governance, voice and tone guides. And, I’ll gleefully dive into execution–page-level prioritization, component design, structured content, down to the tiniest bits of micro-copy.

As a manager, I bring the same people-first approach I apply in my work. I believe in servant leadership, mentoring and modeling content designers through the work, scaffolding team members across disciplines with “just enough” support to thrive, and elevating every output before it goes out.